Do this is if you believe your body would feel and function better with more muscle. Beyond moving freely and enjoying everyday life more comfortably, muscle is absolutely vital to our overall health. An optimal amount protects our joints and skeletal system with increased bone density. Muscle plays a pivotal role in boosting our immune system and increases metabolic energy aiding weight loss. Dr. Theo initially designed this programme to alleviate pain following spine surgery and from previous injuries including knee ligament damage since his time in the military.
You will need a set of weights at a minimum. If you are at home, kettlebells or dumbbells are ideal. The amount of weight depends of your level, which we can help you determine. A bench is great to have, although not necessary. All other tools in this programme are optional and can help accelerate gains.
Yes. The first two of the eight weeks are based on Anatomical Adaptation. This is an essential period in Maximum Strength training programmes, from body building to professional sports. During this period your body’s physiology and biomechanics are primed for the neuromuscular strain that is necessary to build muscle over the next six weeks.
It is rather a scientifically-driven programme. Growing muscle is actually not as hard as we sometimes think. What matters is growing good quality and sustainable muscle, which is both a science and an artform. This is a highly targeted programme establishing a strong foundation of a muscular system, which in turn can accelerate results of other programmes to follow. If what made you curious about this programme is the result of a more attractive body, you might soon find that parallel benefits far outweigh your initial reasoning.
This programme is designed to be a part of a holistic training plan, rather than a set of workouts to be done throughout the year. Training linearly can lead to overtraining, wasting your time and effort. At the same time our bodies need to record consistent repetition of certain movements above a certain threshold to accumulate results. Our methods will help you determine these thresholds that are dynamic based on your fitness baseline. On average, we recommend doing this programme twice a year, in the Fall and Spring.
This depends on what your personal goals are. Having improved your muscular system, you can enjoy more and better whatever you choose to do next. This may be dancing or focusing on cardio to reduce body fat mass. Likewise, you may be preparing for a competitive event or build muscular buffer so you can sustain a long period of meditation and breathing work while not worrying about muscle atrophy below critical levels. We will soon be launching new targeted programmes you can choose from, so watch this space.