Starting 16 January 2023

Muscle Building Plan


Train with Dr. Theodoros Koutroukides on his personal muscle building plan.

Join in-person at a Fusion-X™ franchise with our certified trainers.

Or from home via Live or On Demand.


3% muscle gain.

Gain minimum 3% body weight lean muscle while maintaining agility and flexibility.

Here's an example on what you can aim for. On this programme, Dr. Theo gained 6kg of muscle for a 90kg body (7% gain) during the first 3 months of lockdown and is now entering a second round to gain a minimum of 4kg (4%) within 8 weeks. Proper consistency, technique and nutrition are not optional.

Now let's sort your tools.


And a bench.

Use our new adjustable kettlebells at the Clubhouse, your own weights at home, or let us send you a pair of kettlebells delivered next day. Each beast replaces 6 kettlebells from 3.5kg to 18kg. Easy and neat, keep your home tidy.

And this piece of beauty...

Work out on our new Clubhouse benches. You can still do this programme without a bench at home. We will show you how. Or if you can't resist, we can get you one of these solid wood benches for your home. Your guests might see it as a lux furniture.


Your ultimate fuel for optimum energy.

To gain muscle you need to refill your tank with the right nutrition based on your Basal Metabolic Rate. We will guide you to balance your nutrition with delicious whole food, natural ingredients and all 26 essential vitamins and minerals.

A nutritionally complete, personalised shake will wait for you at the Cafe/Bar after your workout. Or order online and let us give you a recipe for your exact needs following each type of training depending on intensity, duration and stage of each week. And if you want to take full control your diet and nutrition, we can provide you a saliva-based dietary DNA profile.


Unlock your
human potential.

You don’t get stronger during the workout, you actually get stronger during rest. Get 24/7 personalised fitness, sleep, and recovery data delivered to you in real time. Data is privately shared within your team and coaches, keeping everyone motivated and accountable.

Your recovery is calculated based on four physiological markers: Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Resting Heart Rate (RHR), Sleep, and Respiratory Rate (RPM). These metrics are continuously calibrated to your baseline, meaning your recovery is personalised each day. Understanding how much stress you can take and how to align it to your own circadian rhythm means you can optimise the way you recover, train and sleep.


Reinforce positive behaviours.

Stay focused on your goals by seeing the results of your active efforts. Wirelessly sync your body composition metrics to your account and review trends of daily progress against your goals.

We can measure your metrics to track progress with our in-house medical grade equipment at the beginning of the course and then weekly. Or we can sort a clinically tested body composition scale for your household.


Enhance muscle regeneration.

You will work hard and deep muscle massage is not possible every day. A percussive therapy device is a smart option to release stress and tension. We have designed a specific routine for this programme to maximise therapeutic benefits to your body.


Know better.
Do better.

Learning gives you a sense of possibility. Learn at your own pace and translate knowledge to sustainable action. We are sharing with you course specific knowledge that has inspired our own life journey and may now accelerate your personal wellbeing aspirations.

Ask our team:

Do this is if you believe your body would feel and function better with more muscle. Beyond moving freely and enjoying everyday life more comfortably, muscle is absolutely vital to our overall health. An optimal amount protects our joints and skeletal system with increased bone density. Muscle plays a pivotal role in boosting our immune system and increases metabolic energy aiding weight loss. Dr. Theo initially designed this programme to alleviate pain following spine surgery and from previous injuries including knee ligament damage since his time in the military.
You will need a set of weights at a minimum. If you are at home, kettlebells or dumbbells are ideal. The amount of weight depends of your level, which we can help you determine. A bench is great to have, although not necessary. All other tools in this programme are optional and can help accelerate gains.
Yes. The first two of the eight weeks are based on Anatomical Adaptation. This is an essential period in Maximum Strength training programmes, from body building to professional sports. During this period your body’s physiology and biomechanics are primed for the neuromuscular strain that is necessary to build muscle over the next six weeks.
It is rather a scientifically-driven programme. Growing muscle is actually not as hard as we sometimes think. What matters is growing good quality and sustainable muscle, which is both a science and an artform. This is a highly targeted programme establishing a strong foundation of a muscular system, which in turn can accelerate results of other programmes to follow. If what made you curious about this programme is the result of a more attractive body, you might soon find that parallel benefits far outweigh your initial reasoning.
This programme is designed to be a part of a holistic training plan, rather than a set of workouts to be done throughout the year. Training linearly can lead to overtraining, wasting your time and effort. At the same time our bodies need to record consistent repetition of certain movements above a certain threshold to accumulate results. Our methods will help you determine these thresholds that are dynamic based on your fitness baseline. On average, we recommend doing this programme twice a year, in the Fall and Spring.
This depends on what your personal goals are. Having improved your muscular system, you can enjoy more and better whatever you choose to do next. This may be dancing or focusing on cardio to reduce body fat mass. Likewise, you may be preparing for a competitive event or build muscular buffer so you can sustain a long period of meditation and breathing work while not worrying about muscle atrophy below critical levels. We will soon be launching new targeted programmes you can choose from, so watch this space.

Muscle Building Plan

"However you see it, an athlete’s body is not always a healthy body, especially at top competition levels where extremes are part of the game. Countless injuries and a spine surgery have been my humble teachers. At 42, I can be stronger and healthier than competing in my 20’s. The key was to do less and do it right."

Dr. Theodoros Koutroukides